“But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you” Matthew 5:33 KJV.
Wanting a better life is a good start, but it’s never enough to make it happen. Fortunately, we have Godlike superpowers we can use to make progress towards what we really want.
But that’s the rub—we rarely know what we really want. We might think we know, but fear and doubt keep us from committing to making anything transformative happen. We hedge our bets and try to play the options. But that can leave us stuck and miserable. When we’re unwilling to choose, we shut down the mojo.
The one word that keeps us from making a solid choice is, how? That word can stop it all. Most of the time we never dare to dream because we can’t see how any of it could possibly come true. We want God to show us exactly where the time and money are coming from to do it. But he doesn’t seem to work like that. He loves the heart-to heart trust we develop with Him, especially when we can finally say, “Thy will be done” (Matthew 26:42/KJV).
The how always follows the choice to act on our desires. God always faithfully leads us. But revealing the full plan from the beginning isn’t His concern. Our faith is. Look at the Bible and you see one book compiled over thousands of years. Whoever wrote Genesis couldn’t have written Revelation. God’s plan unfolds. It’s never plopped down in front of us like a road map with every route clearly marked. It’s more like a treasure map. Each clue we follow reveals more and more of His love for us. Just choose to take one step today and let God unfold the rest of the plan in His way and in His time.